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Any Time, Every Season: Peppermint Mocha Now Available Year-Round at The Roasted Purpose

Any Time, Every Season: Peppermint Mocha Now Available Year-Round at The Roasted Purpose

Hey Friends! Are you part of the peppermint mocha lovers? Do you eagerly count down the days till that distinctive chill in the air heralds the arrival of the special holiday season treat? Here at The Roasted Purpose, we share your love for this extraordinary blend of chocolate, coffee, and peppermint.

We know how hard it can be to wait for your favorite time of the year, just for a taste of this delightful beverage. But who said that peppermint mocha is only a wintertime indulgence? We firmly believe in spreading the cheer throughout the year, so we're shaking things up a bit!

That's right, friends! The wait is over. Starting today, you'll be able to enjoy peppermint mocha all year round at The Roasted Purpose. It doesn't matter if it's scorching summer or cool spring; we've got you covered.

Our peppermint mocha is not just for those chilly days anymore. It's refreshingly fabulous when served over ice or whizzed up in a blender with ice to make a tantalizing frappuccino. It's perfect for those hot summer days when you crave a cooling yet invigorating pick-me-up.

And let's not forget about the toppings. When you're feeling a little fancy, or when you just want to treat yourself (because why not?), don't hesitate to top off your peppermint mocha with our decadently delicious coconut whipped cream. Trust us, it's the crown jewel in the coffee world.

Speaking of the coconut whipped cream, we can't just leave you wondering about it. Here's how you can make it at home:

Whipped Cream Recipe

  • 1 (13.5) oz can full-fat coconut milk or cream, refrigerated overnight
  • 5 drops of stevia liquid gel
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract

Instructions for Making Coconut Whipped Cream:

  1. Take It Easy: Start by chilling a can of full-fat coconut milk in the refrigerator overnight. This step is essential, so make sure not to skip or rush it. On the following day, also chill your mixing bowl and beaters in the fridge for 10 minutes.
  2. Scoop Out the Goodness: Open the can of coconut milk and carefully scoop out the solid cream that has risen to the top into a mixing bowl. Reserve the remaining coconut water by pouring it into a mason jar, which you can use for smoothies or other recipes later.
  3. Get Your Beat On: Using either a hand mixer or a stand mixer, beat the coconut cream on medium speed for approximately 30-45 seconds. Keep going until the cream becomes light, smooth, and forms soft peaks. Remember not to over-whip!
  4. Sweeten the Deal: Time to add sweetener and a touch of vanilla extract. Add liquid stevia and vanilla extract into the coconut cream and continuing to beat until everything is well combined. If your coconut whipped cream seems a bit thick, gradually add back some of the coconut water, one teaspoon at a time, until it reaches a light and fluffy consistency.
  5. Ready to Indulge: Serve your delightful coconut whipped on top of any gourmet protein latte for the perfect amount of added creaminess. Store any leftovers in the refrigerator, where it will keep well for up to a week.

So, are you ready to step into a peppermint mocha paradise, any time of the year? We can't wait to serve you this delightful treat. Here's to year-round cheer, one sip of peppermint mocha at a time!



The Sweet Lowdown: How Eating Protein Before Sweets Can Boost Your Health

The Sweet Lowdown: How Eating Protein Before Sweets Can Boost Your Health

Hey, friends! You know that all-too-familiar rush of energy (and the dreaded crash that follows) after enjoying some sugary goodness?

Well, it turns out that there's a way to have your cake and eat it too - and it all comes down to the order in which you chow down. Yep, it's all about eating protein before sweets. Today, we're diving into the science behind this magical combo and how it can benefit your body.

The Scoop on Glycemic Absorption

Let's start with the basics: glycemic absorption. This is just a fancy way of saying how quickly your body absorbs sugar and releases it into your bloodstream. Foods with a high glycemic index (GI), like our beloved sweets, get absorbed super-fast, which leads to that rollercoaster of blood sugar highs and lows.

The problem is that these wild blood sugar swings can cause insulin resistance over time, putting you at risk for type 2 diabetes and other not-so-fun health issues.

Protein: Your Secret Weapon

But here's the good news: protein can be your secret weapon against these blood sugar crashes. When you eat protein before digging into those sweets, it slows down the whole digestion and absorption process. And the result? A more gentle rise and fall of your blood sugar and insulin levels.

The Perks for Your Body

1. Keep Your Blood Sugar in Check

By eating protein before sweets, you'll help your body maintain steadier blood sugar levels, which can be a game-changer for people with diabetes or prediabetes.

2. Stay Full and Satisfied

Protein has a way of making you feel full and content, so when you eat it before indulging in sweets, you're less likely to overdo it on the calories. Talk about a win-win for weight management!

3. Energize Your Day

By slowing down the sugar absorption, you'll also avoid that quick energy high followed by the crash that makes you want to take a nap under your desk. Instead, you'll enjoy steady, sustained energy to conquer your day like the boss you are!

So, my friends! The simple act of eating protein before indulging in sweets can be a powerful (and delicious) way to improve your blood sugar control, keep cravings in check, ward off chronic diseases, and stay energized. Give it a try, pair your sweet with our gourmet protein latte, and remember, every small choice you make can add up to big results for your overall health and well-being.




Why Cashews Are Our New Favorite Nut: 4 Reasons to Love Them

cashews, health benefits, heart health, weight loss, brain health, skin health, fiber, protein, vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, magnesium, copper

Cashews are my thing, when it's my thing, it becomes husband's thing too. 😂 

Cashews are our go-to for a road trip, a snack as we run out of the house, or a dairy-free creamy white sauce. 

I've been a raw cashew lover for many years; they are tasty snacks with tremendous health benefits.

  1. Heart health: This one hits home as my dad died from a massive heart attack right before my wedding. So when I found out cashews are a good source of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, healthy fats that can help lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. They also contain magnesium, which helps regulate blood pressure. They became a staple in my diet and my coffee.
  2. Weight loss: Diet has been a struggle my entire adult life. Until I met my nutritionist and gained a healthy perspective on food, one of the things she said to eat for snacks was cashews. Despite high fat and calories, cashews can help with weight loss. The fiber and protein in cashews help you feel full, making you less likely to overeat.
  3. Brain health: Oh, my brain fog! Have you ever felt your mind is fuzzy? Cashews are a good source of vitamins B6 and E, essential for brain function. They also contain magnesium, which can help improve memory and cognitive function.
  4. Skin health: The older I get, the more important I realize it is to take care of my skin, both what I use as skincare and what I'm putting in my body. That's another reason why I love cashews. They are rich in copper, which helps the body produce collagen. Collagen is a protein that is essential for healthy skin, hair, and nails.

Overall, cashews are a delicious and healthy snack that can provide many health benefits and purposes. As I said, I consume them often in meals, coffee, snacks, cookies, and much more. They are rich in heart-healthy fats, fiber, and essential minerals and can help with weight loss, bone health, brain health, diabetes management, and skin health. So enjoy The Roasted Purpose gourmet protein coffee that good for you and others. 



P.S. My favorite recipe for Cashew Garlic Sauce is Paleo Running Mamas. Here's the link