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The Inside Scoop on Our Protein Coffee

The Inside Scoop on Our Protein Coffee

Hey there, friends! Today, we're diving into the wonderful world of collagen - that fantastical protein that's all about keeping you gorgeous, strong, and vibrant. Plus, I'll be revealing why we've gone totally crazy for it in our coffee. Yes, you heard it right - collagen-infused coffee is the new kid on the block!

Let's talk collagen, friends. Think of it as the body's own super glue. It's the most abundant protein we've got going on in our bodies and comes packed with over 1,400 amino acids. These little guys team up to form a powerful triple helix structure, which gives collagen its power.

We've got different types of collagen strutting their stuff in our bodies, but the real stars of the show are Types I, II, and III. 

1. Type I Collagen:The tough guy of the bunch, it's all about giving structure to our skin, bones, tendons, and teeth.

2. Type II Collagen:The joint specialist, found mostly in our elastic cartilage, the secret behind our awesome dance moves.

3. Type III Collagen:The muscle man, always found flexing in our muscles, organs, and arteries.

So, why should we be loving collagen as much as our best-kept skincare secret or our favorite yoga class? Well, here's the lowdown.

  • Skin Health:Collagen is the ultimate skin whisperer, offering hydration and elasticity and helping you fight off those pesky wrinkles. 

  • Bone Health:Like the unseen superhero, collagen is giving structure to our bones, making them strong and steady.

  • Joint and Tendon Health: Collagen's elasticity supports the health of our joints, so we can keep doing those lunges and squats with ease.

  • Heart Health:Collagen is also a little love note to our heart, maintaining our blood vessels and heart's structural integrity and function.

But here's the deal: as we age, our bodies get a bit stingy with collagen production. This can lead to signs of aging (hello, wrinkles and sagging skin) and impact bone density and joint mobility. Don't worry, though - with a diet rich in vitamin C, copper, and proline-rich foods, we can give our collagen production a little boost.

Now, let's get to the million-dollar question: why did we create a protein coffee? In simple terms, it's all about bioavailability. That's a fancy way of saying how well a substance is absorbed and used by our bodies. And guess what? Collagen is a total rockstar in this department.

When you sip our collagen-infused coffee, your body efficiently absorbs and uses the collagen. So, not only are you getting your caffeine fix, but you're also packing in those health benefits - double win!

Understanding collagen's amazingness is your first step to appreciating why we're all about the collagen-infused coffee. It's about enjoying your daily pick-me-up while investing in your body's glow and well-being. As we say, every sip is a sip towards a more vibrant, radiant you. Here's to making every day a great skin (and hair, bones, joints...) day! 




Fueling Change: Sip Your Way to a Better Community with The Roasted Purpose

Fueling Change: Sip Your Way to a Better Community with The Roasted Purpose

Are you a coffee lover who wants to make a meaningful impact in the world? Look no further than The Roasted Purpose. When you enjoy your morning cup of coffee, you're not only fueling your own body but also supporting underserved communities through feeding and education programs. Let's delve deeper into how we can create positive change, one sip at a time.

A Coffee with a Purpose:

At The Roasted Purpose, we believe that every sip of coffee can be transformed into an opportunity for social change. When you choose our premium-quality, nutrient-rich coffee, a portion of the proceeds goes towards feeding and education initiatives in underserved communities. So, while you savor the flavors of our delicious blends, you're also actively contributing to a greater cause.

Community Engagement:

We are deeply committed to engaging with the communities we aim to serve. Our passionate team, which includes myself, my husband, our youngest son, and even customers like you, actively organizes trips to these underserved areas. Recently, we've had an amazing week in the community, making a tangible difference in the lives of those in need.

On Friday, we had the opportunity to spend the day at the LHYC golf tournament, raising funds specifically for the Life House Youth Center in Sullivan, MO. It was a remarkable experience, coming together with like-minded individuals who share our passion for making a positive impact.

But the impact didn't stop there. On Saturday, we dedicated our time and efforts to the Restoration House for their Rock Days event in downtown St. Louis. It was a day filled with community spirit, joy, and uplifting moments. We had the privilege of connecting with individuals and families, spreading hope and encouragement.

Joining the Movement:

We firmly believe that anyone can make a difference, and we welcome individuals who share our mission. Whether you're a customer or someone who simply resonates with our cause, you can get involved in various ways.

You have the power to join this movement. Whether you're a coffee enthusiast, a socially conscious individual, or both, we welcome you with open arms.

Here's how you can join the movement and make a difference alongside us:

  1. Send us a message expressing your interest in volunteering. By joining our volunteer list, you'll be informed about upcoming opportunities to serve in underserved communities. Whether it's participating in meal distributions or educational programs, your presence and contribution can create a positive impact.
  2. Take it a step further by signing up for a monthly subscription of our gourmet protein lattes. By becoming a subscriber, you not only ensure a regular supply of delicious healthy lattes but also continue to support our feeding and education initiatives. Each month, your subscription contributes to the greater cause and helps us make a lasting difference.
  3. If you prefer to make a direct impact, consider donating directly to the organizations we collaborate with, such as LHYC or the Restoration House. Your generous contributions will directly support their ongoing efforts to uplift and empower underserved communities. Every donation, no matter the size, plays a vital role in bringing positive change to those who need it most.

Remember, together we can create meaningful change, one cup, one volunteer opportunity, one donation at a time. Join the movement and let's make a lasting impact on underserved communities, bringing hope, nourishment, and education to those who deserve it.



Calling All Flavor Enthusiasts! Help Us Craft Our Fall Flavors 🍂☕️

Calling All Flavor Enthusiasts! Help Us Craft Our Fall Flavors 🍂☕️

Hello, Latte Lovers! It’s Matt and Joanna with an exciting invitation for you. We’ve been rolling up our sleeves, stepping into our crafting boots, and preparing to dive headfirst into the creation of our tantalizing fall flavors. We're inviting you—yes, you!—to jump on board and help us in this incredible endeavor.


We are seeking 20 exceptional individuals to join our exclusive group of flavor testers. 

Can you imagine it? Sipping on our gourmet protein lattes, experiencing the burst of flavors before anyone else, and knowing that your input played a vital role in creating that perfect taste. Intrigued? 

Here's what you need to do to qualify:

  1. Go through the list of flavors we've been considering @TheRoastedPurpose instagram account and pick out four that you believe would make the perfect symphony for the autumn season. 🍁
  2. If selected as a flavor tester, you will receive a package of our fall flavors delivered to your doorstep. Your task is simple yet crucial - indulge in each flavor and share your thoughts via our feedback form. But remember, we're working against the clock and would love to have your feedback within a 10-day timeframe. ⏳
  3. Sharing is caring, isn't it? You must tag a friend who loves coffee just as much as you do and who might be interested in joining us in this flavor journey in order to qualify for a flavor tester. Each additional tag gives you an additional entry.  👫
  4. We believe in fairness, so our 20 flavor testers will be selected randomly, provided they meet the above criteria.

This is your opportunity to be part of our team, to make your mark on our fall flavors, and to help us ensure an exceptional taste experience for all. Your contribution as a flavor tester is more than valued—it's essential.

We are thrilled to embark on this delicious journey with you. With your help, we can create fall flavors that are extraordinary, memorable, and just as unique as you are.

So, let's get to it! Let's put our flavor caps on and create something spectacular together. Ready to become a Roasted Purpose Flavor Tester? Head over to instagram now and let the flavorful journey begin!


Matt and JoJo